Trench Excavation
Alcon LLC is having a highly experienced team or doing all kinds of trench ecvavation work like Cable trenching for electrical networks, telecommunication net works, sewerage networks, storm water networks for site development for all utility networks.
A trench is an excavation in which the depth exceeds the width. Trenching and excavation work is inherently dangerous. Hazards include cave-ins, struck-by injuries, electrical contact, and slips, trips, and falls.
Alcon specializes in the field of earth works, lad reclemation and infrastructure works, is also known as a local company involved in a big way in the transportation of excavated material from the site location to the designated areas. We involved in doing trenching works for civil construction projects, temporary camps, project camps, laydown facilities, execution of ROW, trench excavation services, road crossings and for pipe line installation trenches.
Alcon is taking ultimate care existing utilities while doing the trench excavation. Most of the existing utilities are pre identified with the cable locatior and doing mannual excavation on those locations by taking utmost care of utilities of service providers.